Taking In A Broadway Production During Your Trip To New York? 4 Tips That Will Help You Enjoy Your First Theatre Experience

Before wedding planning, my spouse and I made a promise to each other: “no stress.” Sound impossible? I’m going to tell you how we did it so you can do it too!

Taking In A Broadway Production During Your Trip To New York? 4 Tips That Will Help You Enjoy Your First Theatre Experience

Taking In A Broadway Production During Your Trip To New York? 4 Tips That Will Help You Enjoy Your First Theatre Experience

13 February 2018
, Blog

Summer is on the way and, with it, the onslaught of summer vacations. If you and your family are planning a trip to New York, don't forget to enjoy at least one live Broadway theatre production while you're there. Live theatre productions provide entertainment that is second to none. If you've never been to a live theatre production, there are some things you'll need to know. Here are four helpful tips that will ensure an enjoyable experience for you and those around you.

Be Kind to Others' Noses

When you attend a live theatrical performance, it's crucial that you consider those who will be sitting around you. Many people suffer from asthma, allergies, and other breathing-related illnesses that make it detrimental for them to be around strong odors. If you're going to be attending the theatre while you're in New York, avoid wearing perfumes or body sprays that have strong scents. Those strong odors could pose problems for others around you, which will interfere with their ability to enjoy the performance and may lead to health-related problems.

Start Tuning in at the Overture

Once you're seated in the theatre, you may be confused about when the performance will begin. Unlike going to the movies, the theatrical production will begin long before the curtains are drawn. In fact, the production will begin as soon as the overture begins, which is the music that will be performed prior to the opening act. Be sure to silence your electronic devices and cease your conversations as soon as the overture begins. If you're still not sure, take a look up towards the theatre boxes. That's where many regular theatre patrons will be seated. When they turn their attention towards the stage, that's your signal that the production has begun.

Teach Children Proper Etiquette

If you're going to be attending the theatre with your children, it's important that you teach them proper etiquette. The first thing you need to do is make sure that the production you've chosen is age appropriate. Your children will be seated in a theatre for several hours. You want to make sure that they'll be able to enjoy what they're experiencing. You'll also need to ensure that your children are old enough to sit still for several hours without needing to use the restroom or get a snack.

Refrain From Joining in With the Production

If you're going to attend a musical, you'll need to refrain from joining in with the production. It can be tempting to sing along with your favorite songs, but that's not something you'll want to do in the middle of a live production – unless it's a sing-along production that encourages audience participation. Singing along during a Broadway musical not only interferes with the experience that other theatre-goers are expecting, but it also interferes with the actors ability to perform at their best.

For more theatre-going tips, contact a facility like Capitol Theatre in your area before their next show.

About Me
Having Fun Planning Your Own Wedding

My name's Melissa. Welcome you to my website. I’m so excited to share about my wedding. My husband Jack and I got married five months ago. We planned our entire wedding by ourselves. It wasn’t that we didn’t have parents, family, or friends that wanted to help. In fact, they were all begging to help but we wanted to do this on our own. Before embarking on the wedding planning, we made one promise to each other. That promise was simply, "no stress." Sound impossible? We thought it might be because we had heard numerous times how stressful planning a wedding can be. We had a blast! If something started to get a bit touchy, we found a way to turn it around and make it a fun adventure. I’m going to tell you how we did it, and I hope you will be able to do the same. Enjoy!