Staff Working Remotely? 5 Reasons To Rent A Coworking Office

Before wedding planning, my spouse and I made a promise to each other: “no stress.” Sound impossible? I’m going to tell you how we did it so you can do it too!

Staff Working Remotely? 5 Reasons To Rent A Coworking Office

Staff Working Remotely? 5 Reasons To Rent A Coworking Office

24 November 2020
, Blog

Do you have employees working remotely now? In 2020, many small businesses have shifted some or all of their workers to a virtual setting — often with little advance preparation or experience with remote work management. But if your staff will work remotely for any length of time, you may find that some of the downsides to remote work start to appear.

One way to mitigate the negatives with this new system and keep things productive is to rent a co-working office for staff. How can this help everyone? Here are a few key ways. 

1. Employees Have Fewer Distractions 

A common theme for those who work from home is that their setting is prone to distractions. From pets and kids invading their workspace to the tendency to get involved in home projects even during work hours, home offices can make productivity hard. A coworking space is a real office free from all the distractions inherent when working from home. 

2. You Know What Everyone Is Using 

When people use their homes as an office, they may have a variety of equipment, technology, and tools at their disposal. Even people on the same team may use different computers, wireless services, mobile devices, videoconferencing arrangements, and office equipment. Get everyone on the same page by ensuring you know exactly what's in their offices, what office technology they have access to, and what their connectivity options are. 

3. Your Stuff Is Secure 

Have you sent employees various pieces of equipment to use at home? Between the laptops, scanners, cameras, printers, tablets, and specialty equipment, this represents a significant investment for the company. Coworking offices are secured by professional services and have both internal and external security measures to protect company assets. 

4. Employees Have Options

Perhaps not every employee needs to work in a real office all the time. But when there is one available, they can choose the times when they need to get away from home to work. This flexibility frees up workers to make the best choices for their circumstances and remain as productive as possible no matter what their work calls for. 

5. You Can Double Up Staff 

If your remote staff doesn't need to use the coworking office environment all the time, you can often arrange for them to share it with others in the area. This allows you to provide an office when it's needed without paying for space you don't need. 

Which of these benefits could your company and its remote team gain the most from? No matter what your plans, a co-working office can help keep everyone focused, provide flexibility, and ensure that company assets are utilized properly. Learn more by visiting a co-working office in your area today. 

About Me
Having Fun Planning Your Own Wedding

My name's Melissa. Welcome you to my website. I’m so excited to share about my wedding. My husband Jack and I got married five months ago. We planned our entire wedding by ourselves. It wasn’t that we didn’t have parents, family, or friends that wanted to help. In fact, they were all begging to help but we wanted to do this on our own. Before embarking on the wedding planning, we made one promise to each other. That promise was simply, "no stress." Sound impossible? We thought it might be because we had heard numerous times how stressful planning a wedding can be. We had a blast! If something started to get a bit touchy, we found a way to turn it around and make it a fun adventure. I’m going to tell you how we did it, and I hope you will be able to do the same. Enjoy!